Yo' Rocks Frozen Yogurt -Little Rock, Arkansas

       Yo'Rocks is a frozen yogurt shop that opened up a few months ago in Little Rock. They have a Facebook page, and it seems this is the first shop opened, with plans of of making it a chain. I went with my mom and some relatives a few months ago, and it wasn't bad, but having tried so many frozen yogurt places already, I already had an idea on what I liked and didn't. I usually like the yogurt and sorbet flavors, but in this shop, I was more fond of the sorbet/fruity flavors. (I sampled what was available that day, and remember I only liked the original flavor.) I got a raspberry sorbet, and another sorbet flavor, but I can't remember what it was.They had a bunch of sweet condiments, including boba. As I said, I liked the sorbet flavors here a bit more than what was available that day, but overall it's a fun, clean, and relaxing place. Since shops like these always change their flavors, maybe I'll find more that I'll like.