Review on Paradise Rose - Etsy Shop

         Alright, I always eyed items by ParadiseRose, but I never bought from them before. A few weeks ago,  a clearance sale was on the site, and I took advantage of it and bought several pieces. I bought two rings and a necklace on January 8, for $15.75. With tax, it came to be $20.10.  The items shipped on the 10th, and I received the package on the 14th. The items were nicely packaged in three little packages, and I got a coupon and business card. The items looked exactly like what was pictured in the stock photos, which was herehere, and here. Something I didn't expect was that the "cream" was made from a gooey, but durable and strong material; which I liked; it makes it cuter for me that way.~( I'm used to paper-clay items, which hardens all over when it dries.) The little cabochons were held securely in place, and I wasn't worried they would fall off; however I wouldn't wear something like this if I'm doing outdoor exercise  or something of that nature, because even though they are sturdy, if you throw one around or it hits the floor or wall, it is likely to break. I was pleased with this shop, and their quick shipping and cute items; I will order again! (And I did, a few weeks later.)