Review on AliceArisuHearts - Etsy Shop

      Fake Sweets have become popular with decorating and accessorizing  for many girls and young ladies into Japanese pop culture. I don't know when it started, but I like it, and get some items for myself on occasion. Since Etsy has many different shops selling fake sweets, and deco jewelry,  I dug around until I found one that seemed to be cheap, but of decent quality. And so, I decided to try AliceArisuHearts.
 The seller was selling a bunch of hair clips for $10.50, so I decided why not? With tax, the whole purchase came to be $14.50. I bought from her on December 12, and it was shipped on January 2nd. I got the package on January 4. The items looked just like the stock photos, but I was a little disappointed that one of the gems came off right after shipping. The clips seem sturdy enough,but for the damaged clip, I used a little Mod Podge, and after a night, it was as good as new.~ Most of the pieces seem to be glued by a glue gun, which isn't bad, but I wish there was extra reinforcement as a top layer or coating for the pieces. (But I know how to do this, so it's not an issue for me.) For the price I paid though, I think they are worth it; I'm glad I managed to buy some cute hair accessories.