Hi-Chew Candy - Japanese Confection

   So I was at Forever 21 the other day, and while waiting in line, saw a candy I never heard of before. Curiosity got the better of me, and I bought it on an impulse. The candy, called Hi-Chew , is made by the Japanese company Moringa. It looks like gummy or fruit chewables, but its more like taffy,and takes an incredibly long time to dissolve, if you just chew on it. (With that said, when I first tried it, the texture was a little like bubble gum, because of how much I could chew it; it's just easier to swallow.) It has a top layer and an inner coating with more flavor; I like how even though it's so chewable, it's not hard on the teeth, and is easy to swallow. I tried the mango flavor, and want to try more next time!