Gia Lam (Vietnamese) - Brooklyn, New York

    When I was in  New York last summer, I went with a friend to the Brooklyn Chinatown, (around 7th and 8th ave.,) to the Vietnamese restaurant, Gia- Lam. Unfortunately, no website exists, but it seems like a chain restaurant, as they have a few restaurants in Brooklyn. This was my first time trying Vietnamese food, and even though  I liked it a lot, I was not familiar with most of the dishes. I don't remember if their menus list the ingredients of the items, but I had my friend do most of the ordering, since she mentioned she went there often. We had a dish that had meat inside, and a sticky upper layer, but I have no idea what I ate, just that it tasted good, and for one dish, very sticky. After spending a quarter of the night looking for items that vaguely looked like what I ate, I might have had Bánh cuốn, or some variant of it. For the noodles, it looks like I had either Hủ tiếu Mỹ Tho, or Hủ tiếu Nam Vang. The soup we had look very similar to Bún bò Huế. All of it was good, but you might want to request a fork and knife for the stickier dishes, as it all fell apart when I tried to eat with chopsticks. (I can handle smaller pieces fine, but trying to break the sticky wrap and eat the meat inside made a mess for me. :p) It was a good quality place,and very tasty too! Most of the cuisine is just salted and flavorful but not spicy (hot) or anything. If you're in Brooklyn, check one of their locations!