Happy Unbirthday- Etsy Shop review

         Hey everyone! So, if you've been in my site for a while you would have seen I recently updated it. Most were little things here and there, but the biggest was that I took out my "Amusement Parks and Festival  Page" to merge with the History and travelling page, 'cause honestly, I don't go as often as I'd like.(And it fits in since they are places I traveled to.) Anyways, I wanted to buy some fake sweets from different sellers, to see what I had a preference of, and I tried the shop, Happy Unbirthday. Around December, the shop owner, Tori, had a lucky pack sale, (it's when a shop puts several items in a bag for a discount,) so I decided I'd buy from her. One thing to note, is her shop does not have tracked shipping; (you have to ask for it.) I paid on January 13th, $20, and $4 shipping. The package shipped January 15th, and it arrived about 3-4 days later; (it was in my mail box so I wasn't sure what time the package arrived.) Now the items are not very large, but they are cute, and for a few basic sweets-deco jewelry for a discount, I didn't think it was too bad. They were all made from a clay, (paper clay, I think,) and all of the items were delicate, but they seem sturdy enough. They seem to be simple, but versatile enough to wear with different things.~