Gusano's Pizza - Little Rock, Arkansas

      So a popular pizzeria in Little Rock is Gusano's pizza, a pizza diner in downtown Little Rock. You can see their webpage here. Gusano's likes to give their location a beat-up interior, mostly wooden, and a lot of flat screens playing sports. A small upstairs balcony has some arcade games you can play. The prices for their food is between $10- $20, and I think it's worth the price, but obviously, it's not fast food, so the prices, and wait time for the food reflect this. (It takes maybe 15-20 minutes usually for the food to finish; I'm guessing it's because it's made from scratch.) The pizza is great quality, and doesn't taste bland or stale, and I think it's a place everyone should visit at least once down here. (It's also kid friendly; even though it looks like a pub or bar on the outside, it's primarily a pizza place.) On the pictures was a cheese-stick appetizer, (which looks like thin crust pizza; it pretty much is,) and a plain pizza with half chicken meat.