miss Korea BBQ - Manhattan, New York

        Back when I was visiting my friend in New York, I visited Korea Town (The Street strip is
   officially called the Korean Way.) On the way there we got hungry, and she recommended a
   good place to eat, miss Korea BBQ. We sat on the first floor, and as she had more experience
   in the shop than I, I let her order most of the appetizers and such. To be fair, it was my first
   time in a Korean restaurant, but they actually explain what the dishes are and the ingredients
   used on the menu, which I appreciated, (otherwise I would have been really lost!) I ended up
   buying a stew; the Short Rib Stew, where they give a platter of un-sauced ribs and shred it
   in the stew for you. The main dish came with a bunch of appetizers, (most of which I didn't
   know, but they were tasty! My favorite was the white jelly sticks, called Nokdumuk.)  My
   friend took a picture of me and the chef, who came over to show off his knife skills and
   sliced strips of the ribs into the stew. The first floor was dimmed low, giving it a pleasant
   setting, but it wasn't overly formal or fussy. There was a lot of studio lights on the ceiling, and
   the rooms had sparse decorations, giving it a comfortable feel. Now my verdict on
   the stew? It reminded me of the way my mother cooks ribs; which in my book is
   a pretty high compliment. Granted it had no sauce, but was still very flavorful despite
   that. If you'd like to experience Korean food, I'd say miss Korea BBQ is a pretty good place
   to try it out!