The Pantry - Little Rock, Arkansas

        On a friend's recommendation a few nights ago, I went with my brother and a group of friends to The Pantry. The restaurant is run by a man originally from Czechoslovakia, and the menu items are a nice mixture of American, and Eastern European food. The restaurant, first of all, is a cozy place, which I give props for. It's a place you can sit down and relax for a while in, and you don't have the feeling you're getting pushed out or anything, since they had a lot of room. They had a lounge area with sofas, and an outside area with seating, but we got some booth seats around the bar area, since it was cooler inside.
           I really like how they decorated the place; it was classy, but not fussy and the dim lights made it a very romantic place. The decor reminded me of an Art Deco style, and also, the lights when lit, had designs it formed from the shadows that reflected off the ceilings; all in all it was not a bland looking place at all! I did not have a lot of money that night, so I ordered some small items, since my brother was paying for me.
       I wanted to try something a little different, so I got a Bratwurst sausage styled like a hotdog, and the waiter was king enough to come and give multiple refills while we waited for the orders. Even though it was from the "Fun Fair" section of the menu, that was a rather filling Bratwurst, and I felt pretty full after just that item. (It was very tasty.) After that I wanted to try one of their dessert items, and got the Nutella Creme Brulee. The Nutella was a custard mix, and didn't taste like how it normally does, but the dessert tasted great, and I have zero complaints on it, so it doesn't matter.~ I really, really liked this place; the atmosphere, the food, and the great service, and I hope to get the chance to stop by again!