Little Brown Chocolate Bakery and Coffee - Manhattan, New York

          So, back in the summer, my friend and I stumbled upon a cafe' in the Upper East side of
    Manhattan, called Little Brown. (They don't seem to have an official site.) Founded by
    Oded Brenner, the same guy who owns Max Brenner, it's a spacious cafe' with most of the
    items containing chocolate, or coffee with alot of chocolate flavors. Now I only went here
    once, and had one item, but it didn't taste like the chocolate at Max Brenner, which could be
    cause they're either using different ingredients, or different cocoa. In any case, the drink I got,
   a chocolate shake, (I think I asked for it to be chocolate banana, but as there is no online menu,
   I don't remember the exact shake), and it was sweet. Do I love sweets? Yes, I do, I have a large
   sweet tooth. But this tasted really heavy and sugary, and I could barely taste the cocoa. I thought
   it was just me, but my friend who ordered another shake had similar complaints. It left us both
   a little disappointed, as all of it looked really appetizing, and we weren't sure if it was just us, or
   if it was just a bad day. Would I try them again? Maybe, but not their shakes; if I go again, it'll
   be to try other menu items.