Kazouza Sparkling Fruit Drink

          Hey everyone; A Happy New Years to you! I was planning on finishing these posts before the
  new year, but getting them done early in the year works too! I hope to have the energy this year to
  stop being so lazy and start getting more things done.~ First up is a review on Kazouza, a
  Lebanese carbonated juice drink from Cedar's Premium. The bottles have 1941 on their bottles,
  the year the company producing the drink was founded. On this blog I found, the website owner
  sent e-mails to the company, and apparently this drink was one of the first, (or the first), soft drinks
  to get advertised in Lebanon.I found one in a Mediterranean shop at downtown Brooklyn, but I
  have seen it in a few other supermarkets too. The drink isn't exactly a soda, it's a juice/sparkling
 fruit drink, what have you. The flavor I tried was the Very Berry, and it was sweet and a little tart,
 and reminded me of candy while I drank it. It left a good impression on me, so if I get the chance,
 I'll try other flavors too!