Wonder of the World - Mount Fuji

7 wonders of the world, Mount Fuji, Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, what are the wonders of the world, Wonders of the world, World Heritage Sites, Mount Fuji – Wonder of the World is the highest mountain in Japan at 3776, 24m. Mount Fuji lies about 100km south-west of Tokyo and it is a well-known symbol of Japan .It is one of Japan‘s Three Holy Mountain along with Mount Tate and Mount Haiku.  Mount Fuji is a volcano which geologists estimate was created 600.000 years ago. It last erupted in 1707 and is now dormant. According to Buddhist tradition, Fuji rose from the earth in 286 BC after an earthquake that also created Lake Byway.

The Everest Mountain is mentioned in Japanese literature through out the ages and is the subject of many poems.  Mount Fuji is a distinctive feature of the geography of Japan. It is located near the Pacific coast of central Honshu, just west of Tokyo. There are three small cities surround it: Go Temba to the south, Fujiyoshida to the north and Fuji Omiya to the south west. The temperature is very low at the high altitude and the cone is covered by snow for several months of the year. The lowest recorded temperature is -38C and the highest temperature was 17,8C recorded in June 2008. Mount Fuji is the well-known symbol of Japan and famous in the world.

1. Brief introduction of Japan and Mount Fuji.

7 wonders of the world, Mount Fuji, Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, what are the wonders of the world, Wonders of the world, World Heritage Sites,
Japan, the land of Rising Sun, a tourist paradise, has many famous sights such as: Imperial Palace, Tokyo Tower…and the famous place in Mount Fuji. Beside Japan have three views: Matsushima Bay, Amanohashidate and Miyajima. Three views is the canonical list of Japan’s most famous sights, somewhat akin to the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

Mount Fuji is the highest mount in Japan and it is symbol of this country.  Mount Fuji is subject in music, art, pictures and literature. This mountain region stretched across the province shizuoka and yamanashi, in the southwest Tokyo. It is located near the center of Honshu Island. This is a live volcano with the absolute height. The peaks are covered with Snow all year, creating a majestic and magnificent beauty.
There are five lakes located in the foot of the mountain, it is includes: Kawaguchi, Yamanaka, Saia, Mottos and Shoji along with lake Ashy nearby there. They create a marvelous landscape for the mount.

The height‘s mount is 3776m, the mountain is extremely pyramidal beauty. It is worldwide fame the same as symbol of Japan, simultaneously it inspired generations of artists and poets. Mount Fuji is a mountain, which is the most popular in Japan. 

2. History of Mount Fuji
It says that the first person reach the top of this mountain is an anonymous bonze. Before Meiji era, Mount Fuji is a sacred mountain so woman does not allow reaching there. Nowadays it is an ideal place to everyone go tourism and especially it spend persons who like climbing mountain.
The Mount Fuji is a place where the old warrior exercises regularly: Samurai used foot of a mountain to practice art of fighting, near Go Tempe town. 
Traditionally, people must wear white clothes and cleanse their body by water of five large lakes at the foot of mountain before climbing Mount Fuji.

Scientist had identified four periods of different volcanic activity formed the Mount Fuji. Nowadays, this kind of volcanic is active with low risk of eruption. The last recorded eruption was in 1707

3. Stories and legends associated with the Mount Fuji.
Not only Mount Fuji knew by romantic beauty but also it attracts tourists by the wild and mysterious legends.  The name of mountain derived from the fairy tale about an exiled fairy from the heaven down to earth.

It is said that an old firewood who found a little girl in forest. Then he brought her to rise and her name is Hume. Hume grew up in the love of adoptive parents. Days go by, she became a beautiful young woman, many men tried to pursue her including the king. However, both of them was refused because she was a fairy in the sky and she knew that the number of days in the world  had run oUt.  Before leaving, she sent a letter and a vial of life immortal for the king. The King was very heartbreaking to leave her so he brought drug down to the top of a mountain.  Then this mountain
was higher and higher and it became the highest mountain in Japan. People gave a name for this mountain called be Mount Fuji as today.

4. Tourism values of Mount Fuji
7 wonders of the world, Mount Fuji, Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, what are the wonders of the world, Wonders of the world, World Heritage Sites,
Mount Fuji is place where the intersection of Asia, Europe continental plates, Okhotsk continental plate and Philippine continental. Besides, Mount Fuji is located the Pacific coast of Honshu main island on the border between the two provinces Shizuoka and Yamanashi , with such location, Mount Fuji has a beauty of natural wonders and colorful mixture of each place. 
From the top of the mountain which looked out. Tourists will be looking at a scene of immense, majestic and beautiful; the blue lakes situated between the vast forests. Especially, tourists can see Waldo Lake, which is the largest and the deepest in the Willamette national forest. However, The Waldo Lake is as the clearest and the purest in the world.
In particular, views of Mount Fuji extremely vivid and unique. Landscape change over four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter, each season, each appears. In winter, the mountain is covered by snow, spring flowers blooming peach glow on the mountain, the mountain is as invisible as the fog, in the summer, with a variety of creatures and we feel cool red leaves will flood standing on the mountain also fall on Mount Fuji.

Board Fuji is one of the famous volcanoes in the world. The difference is not in the crater itself, which is located in the mountain peaks, fossil men gradually pile up high. Mount diameter of nearly 40 km, is considered one of the world's largest volcano.

Japanese who also want to reach the top of Mount Fuji. In July and August, the ice melting, It was at Mount Fuji cross greets visitors, opening for rock climbing season. From all over the mountain roads on hold "ceremonies on the mountain" very solemn. Mountaineering athletes and tourists around the world to join in the mountain stream.
When participating in climbing Mount Fuji, at each stop, visitors can enjoy traditional Japanese dishes with very attractive dishes and delicious.

Currently, many people climb Mount Fuji as a pleasure. Climbing season, from day 1 / 7 until 30 / 8, each day there are dozens of people climb Mount Fuji. Nevertheless, starting to climb Mount Fuji is a religious practice; there are many strict rules for those who want the highest peak of Japan.
Mount Fuji is a big mountain in Japan so there are many 10 stations from the foot of the mountain to the peak of the mountain. It takes us about 7 hours to climb Mount Fuji. In addition to being changes of temperature, the higher we climb, the colder the air is. If you intend to climb Mount Fuji, you should prepare a lightweight luggage and have a good health.

When climbing, you should wear thin socks and a soft absorbent sweat socks outside covering long pants to avoid insect bites. When you bring two pairs of socks so reduce the palm of the shoe and foot, to avoid skin -blistering feet.
Clothing and long pants when climbing is just right, absolutely no jeans or slim pants fabric, do not wear tight pants. T-shirts to wear medium width, absorption of sweat. When stopped, you should wear warm clothes just to avoid the wind hit. Especially, you should bring sleeping- bag to rest if you do not want to stay overnight in hotels in the mountains. Beside, preparing useful furniture and a good health, let us prepare a high spirit and big determination to reach the peak of Mount Fuji.

5. Advices for tourists.
Mount Fuji is a big mountain in Japan so there are many 10 stations from the foot of the mountain to the peak of the mountain. It takes us about 7 hours to climb Mount Fuji. In addition to being changes of temperature, the higher we climb, the colder the air is. If you intend to climb Mount Fuji, you should prepare a lightweight luggage and have a good health.

When climbing, you should wear thin socks and a soft absorbent sweat socks outside covering long pants to avoid insect bites. When you bring two pairs of socks so reduce the palm of the shoe and foot, to avoid skin -blistering feet.

Clothing and long pants when climbing is just right, absolutely no jeans or slim pants fabric, do not wear tight pants. T-shirts to wear medium width, absorption of sweat. When stopped, you should wear warm clothes just to avoid the wind hit. Especially, you should bring sleeping- bag to rest if you do not want to stay overnight in hotels in the mountains. Beside, preparing useful furniture and a good health, let us prepare a high spirit and big determination to reach the peak of Mount Fuji.