Little Rock, Arkansas : Great American Cookies

                           Good evening everyone! Tonight, I'm going to post about one of my favorite
                sweet shops, Great American Cookies, in the Park Plaza Mall. Like the name suggests,
                it sells cookies most of the time, with some seasonal pastries like brownies. I've been
                here quite a few times, and liked everything I purchased, but I do prefer some of their
                sweets over others. All of their cookies and brownies are soft, (how I like it!), but some,
                (even for someone with a big sweet tooth like me), are too sweet. In particular, I have a
                hard time finishing one of their Double Doozie cookies any time I tried them, because
               the cream is very thick,and a tad too sugary for my liking. (I think the perfect pastry needs
               the right amount of sugar; too much and it doesn't taste sweet anymore to me;it makes me
               slightly nauseous. ><) Uhm.. but of course, everyone has different taste tolerance levels,
               so if you would like to try it, don't let my opinion stop you! The following photos are from
              different days of items I tried. The red square is a Red Velvet Brownie, (I recommend this;
               it doesn't taste exactly like Red Velvet or a brownie, but it reminds me of a sweet fudge), a
              chocolate chip cookie slice with lemon icing,( it tastes like lemon icing and isn't too sweet,
              I like it~), and two mini Double Doozies; one with sugar cookies and the other with
              chocolate chips. ( I had a rare craving that day for them; I could handle small quantities,
              though as I said, it's not my favorite.) One other photo below is a regular chocolate chip
              cookie with a floral design; the icing wasn't bad, (it's not the same type used on the
              Doozie's), but I mostly got it cause I liked the flower. XD