Little Rock,Arkansas - Whole Hog Cafe

             Hey everyone! So, in my quest in searching for good food to eat around town, I found a     barbecue place with my brother, known as the Whole Hog Cafe'. Despite the name, the interior is more of a diner than a cafe'. :p Me and my brother went to the one near Hobby Lobby, on West Markham.

              The diner/cafe' is decorated with pigs, as per the name, with the theme color being mainly red. (Might have to also do with the fact the Arkansas Football team is the Arkansas Razorbacks, with the mascot being a red boar. Football,( American Football for foreign folks), is a big thing down here. ;p)

                 So everything is fairly quick in the place. You walk yourself all the way to the back where there is a few cash registers, and just wait for your order as they call it out. It was not a particularly big place, but it was roomy, and despite the crowd, you didn't feel like you're walking around a mob. XD

              This was my first time at the place, so I ordered the first picture that hit me in the face. In this case, it was the Pulled Pork Sandwich. I don't regret it at all! It was a tad messy and had a healthy dosage of barbecue sauce, but it was quite yummy.~ Pictures below will show the side items, which was a bag of chips and a brownie, but I can't comment on the brownie because my brother ate it without telling me later at home. :p His sandwich was the Pork Loin, which is a bit drier than pulled pork.( Mine was with the brownie.) Prices are pretty affordable; around the $9 range, so if you want to try some affordable barbecue, go and check it out.~