Jackson, New Jersey : Six Flags Theme Park Wild Safari

                            Hey everyone, I was looking at some photo albums in my laptop,deciding what I
              can write about, and I found some photos from 2004, and 2007 when me and my family
              went to Six Flags Wild Safari. We also went to the main park,but I'll talk about it later.
             The Wild Safari park is a vehicle only park, because most of the animals roam free. They
              have most of the big predator animals caged, that can cause problems, such as lions or
              baboons. However, the park asks drivers to go very slowly because they're plenty of
             large animals like giraffes and kangaroos that are free, and smaller ones like peacocks, so
             to avoid any problems, it's best to go the speed limit, ( I think it's 15 mph.) Also you can
             not get out of your car, or open the windows, (though many folks ignore the window rule 
             for quick photos; be advised that if you're near the giraffes and do that, don't be
             surprised if one decides to stick its neck into your vehicle. :p) The park is enjoyable, and
             for the most part safe, but some big animals are allowed to roam free, so if you're seen
             out of your car, and an agitated animal is near, it's at your discretion.