Little Rock,Arkansas - McDonald's at West Markham

                        Good day, everyone! I have a rather strange post today, in my book, because I'm
           not doing a review. Well, very early on, before I started this blog, I promised myself I
           wouldn't review any of the famous fast food places scattered in the United States. In this
           case, I wouldn't review any McDonald's, Burger King, or other hugely popular franchises.
           (Smaller franchises are fine since I figured not everyone would have heard about it. ) The
           thing with these big places are that, whether I'm in Chicago, or New York, or in Arkansas,
           all the menus are exactly the same, and I figured, at least to the readers in the U.S, they
           are fully aware what everything tastes like. :p Now what is different about the fast food
           places are the prices, depending what state you're in, and the decor of each establishment.
           Which is what these fast food posts are going to focus on; how each place looks. I took
           some photos of the McDonald's at West Markham, and I figure you folks can compare/
           contrast the ones I visit to the ones in your area.~