Little Rock, Arkansas : Arkansas Art Center Pt.1, Art Show on Toys 2010

              Hey everyone! Today, I'll be splitting this post into two posts, since I viewed two different areas of the Art Center. Now, the Arkansas Art Center is like hitting the jackpot for an art
enthusiast, and I say this because it's one of the few art museums I'm aware of that doesn't ask for an admission price. (You can give donations, but they never ask for money.) They also have a
Children's Theatre that hosts plays, but I've never been to it, as well as a lovely but expensive gift shop, and a restaurant right next to the gift shop.~ The first event is photos I took when I got invited to the opening night of the Toy exhibit. Many regional artists from the United States used raw materials to make toys, or something reminiscent of toys, and they all went on display. My friend had a sister who had metal work displayed, and I got invited during the evening event. They had some finger food available;in the photo I'm holding a small Red Velvet piece with sour cream icing on top.~ (It might have been small but it was some of the best Red Velvet cake I had!) This was around 2010, the second post will have photos of when I went to some of the back galleries a few days ago.~
(Some signs will not match the correct art, sorry!)