Light Introspection and Generalities of this Blog

                   My blog is something I lovingly call my ,"personal convoluted mess", because I
           thought it organizes everything that I have going around my head pretty well. And I am
           very proud of it; more than anything I am doing this for fun, and for myself. I'm not sure
           where to go from here, really, but whenever I get the chance, I try to put a little
           bit of me in this blog, whether it's a personal opinion of something, or a personal hobby.
                    Honestly, I don't know where this will take me in the future, but regardless of what
         happens, I'm going to try to continue in the best way possible and do my best. Most people
         who make blogs stick to one topic, or subject, and focus their entire blog on that thing, and
         it works wonderfully; it makes things a bit more easier to organize, and you don't have to
         worry about focusing on one topic over the other. I didn't want this though; I wanted a big
         thing that had different sections that contained a little part of me; something very different
         but all related to me. And since this is a public blog, I wanted it to have different topics
         covered, so if a person stumbles along interested in one topic, they might dig around and
         find other material they haven't heard of before and learn about it.

                      I don't think I've done any introspection posts like this yet; so I think I might do
           them from time to time on random occasions. Sorry for my disorganization of things,
           but I feel that I live better through spontaneity than organization; it's organization, but in
           my own wild and free way. I guess it would be better to say it's organized fine in my mind,
           and even though things might seem cluttered, I hope in the end, that even if I have a
           bunch of subjects in my mind, that I'm presenting what I like and what I think in an
           understandable way. I want to talk about my favorite books and fashions, and all my other
           neglected sections, but for some reason, I find talking about food the easiest thing to do.
                        I do plan on having a better input of posts this year; I will work harder to do so
          before the New Year. I can't make any promises, but I will try to update my more neglected
          sections, so at least I can feel satisfied there is more to this blog than tourist locations and
          restaurants! (Though I'm hoping it has helped somebody in some form or shape.~)
          Thank you to all my kind readers; I will work hard to make this a somewhat enjoyable and
           informative blog. ^^