Mamba Sour Fruit Chews

                   Hello there! So,like I mentioned earlier, my latest posts will be covering only little
         sweets and snacks for now. Today I'm going to talk about Mamba Chews. Mamba Chews
         is produced by the German confectionery company, called Storck. Even though it has
         been produced and marketed since 1953, I only heard about them a few weeks ago. Well,
         I saw the candy a few weeks ago might be a better way to put it, and what intrigued me to
         trying it was the fact that while all the candy in the bookstore was close to $2.00, this one
         was a huge stick of candy being advertised for only 79 cents. For about 18 pieces of candy,
         I thought it was worth trying out.

                      The candy was quite good! The chewables was very soft and tart, (not "sour" but
        still good), and it isn't like other chewables that are hard at first and then soften up; it's quite
        soft from the very beginning. It will make your tongue a bit sensitive if you have too many
        though; so don't do what I did and eat the whole package in one shot. ~