Donna's World - Brooklyn, New York

              Many fans of Asian fashions and accessories usually go to their local Korea towns, or
      China towns to find things to satisfy their wants in cities like New York. (There really
      isn't a "Japan town" here that I'm aware of; you're more likely to see that in California.) In
      any case, what some people don't realize is that just about any neighborhood that has a
      decent Asian population will most likely have an Asian store or two pop up, even if it's not
      in a Chinatown or other similar areas. Donna's World is one such shop; it's a cute Asian
      accessory and gift shop that opened up in the 86st commercial area of Bay Ridge. (This starts
      between 4th and 5th avenues.) Owned by Korean owners, the place gets good traffic, not
      only working as an accessory but as a gift shop as well. I was not able to find a website
      online, but if someone can find one, don't hesitate to link it in the comments! Price on the
      items does reflect on the quality; I 've been there quite a few times, and some of the better
      quality stuff are a bit more expensive for a reason. Also, I sorta consider myself lucky; I
      took quick cell phone pics as I'm not sure if photos of the place are actually allowed. :p But
      this is just to give all you folks an idea that shops like this do exist out of Chinatowns; you
      just have to search for them! Below are some items I bought and photos of the shop itself
      to give you a better idea.