Hot Springs, Arkansas

       Sometimes choosing what I want to write about can be a problem, as I want to write about so
   many things! But at the end it's always something I enjoy writing about. So today, I'm going to
   be posting photos I took of the bathhouse district in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Hot Springs is
   known, for , you guessed it, their Hot Springs. The fountains spout hot water all year in the
   streets, from the springs, and many bathhouses are treated as the primary tourist spot in the
   downtown portion of the city. In its heyday, Hot Springs was one of the first resort towns in the
   United States,  (think early 1900's-1920's), and was a popular place among the mafia. (Al
   Capone was said to visit the area many times.) I never went to any of the bathhouses before,
  and I think a few are used as museums now, but as it's still a popular tourist spot, I took out-
  door pictures of all of them.~