Evolution: Science & Art in SoHo Shop

          This past Thursday, my friend and I went around town in Manhattan, and stumbled upon Evolution, a quirky shop very similar to Obscura, for all you Oddities fans. They sold almost everything you can find in a museum, and beyond. I didn't buy anything from there, but I got a good look at a lot of their items and took a lot of photos. :p ( This is also why this post will end up in my traveling page, and not my shops page, since it's not a review of any purchase.) A little kid there asked a worker what type of store it was was, and I think her explanation sums it up pretty well: "It's like the Museum of Natural History, but you can buy everything in here."

             The place had old human skeletons for sale, bones and taxidermy for sale, and odd items like a key chain shaped like a woman's torso with a moving fetus inside. Some dead animals were preserved in jars, and they sold those candies that has insects inside them, as well as jewelry that had insects. They also had a lot of tribal masks, and a lot of ritual masks; the types you can picture a witch doctor wearing. I'll let the photos do the rest of the talking, but if any of the above interested you, it's a unique place to visit for sure!