Zapp's Potato Chips- Voodoo Flavor

         A while back, I saw a pack of chips that really intrigued me. It had little Voodoo dolls all over it, and was even called "Voodoo." So, a few weeks ago, I finally found it again after searching for it, (since not everyone carried Zapp's), and got to try it. Zapp's is a potato chip brand founded in Louisiana, and so all the chips flavorings and titles relates to the Cajun culture Louisiana is known for. Voodoo tasted pretty good; it was like chili,  sour cream, and a little garlic flavoring all in one. (I might be completely off in the actual flavors used, but that's how it tasted like to me.) According to the site, it was a mixture of onion, garlic, and paprika, so I wasn't that off. :p Try it if you get the chance!