Lemon Meringue Pie- Kroger Brand

      A few weeks ago, I was in the mood for some lemon meringue pie, and got the version sold from Kroger. Lemon Meringue Pie is a bit of an obscurity history wise; some sites say precursor recipes were around from the Medieval era, some say the main inspiration for meringue was Switzerland, and some say a Quaker chef, known as  Elizabeth Coane Goodfellow, made modern day lemon custard, which helped make today's lemon meringue pie. Anyways, I had meringue pie a few times in the past, and loved it, so even though the Kroger one might not be the highest quality, it was cheap, and I had a craving so I bought it. The Kroger pie, for the price, wasn't bad at all. Instead of a lemon cream, or custard, they used a lemon jam of some sort, and the meringue is lightly toasted, but the sweet taste came more from the lemon part of the pie, but it wasn't a bad snack. I think in the future I might try some meringue pies from pastry shops and compare the differences.