Yan Yan Snack by Meiji

         Yan Yan is a cookie/biscuit dip snack that one can find virtually at most Asian convenience shops, or in supermarkets in the United States. Although there are several companies today with their own varieties, Yan Yan is a longer running brand, and I remember seeing it at shops since I was a little kid several years ago. I've tasted the chocolate and strawberry, and I know a vanilla one is out, but I never seem to find it. I do like the dips; they're both very sweet, but not sickeningly sweet. However, it does taste like artificial flavoring too, which doesn't bother me; sometimes I prefer it for some candy and confections. I can't seem to decide on a favorite flavor, haha! Meiji, a Japanese pharmaceutical/ confectionery corporation has a website, but they don't list their confections in it in detail. :p