Marukawa Chewing Gum

           So on the list of snacks I tried recently is Marukawa's chewing gum. This was another Asian confectionery I saw for many years, only I never bothered to try it before. I bought the multiple gum package with different flavors, and they were all quite tasty; I regretted that they were gum, as I wanted to eat it! The flavors are pretty accurate to the packaging- melon tasted like melon, the strawberry tasted like strawberry,etc. The gum came in two different shapes as well, as little balls, or some strange "square" shapes that were more like stools or chairs. (I only took a photo of the chair shaped gum cause it was unique looking to me.) I really liked how the gum tasted, but the reason I'm reviewing it as chewing gum is because it doesn't make good bubble gum. Even if you chewed several together, you can't make the huge bubbles other brands are known for, but that's alright by me. Another thing to note is this gum is the type to remain quite sticky after a long time of chewing, so make sure you have a tissue on hand to dispose of it, or else it'll get stuck in your hand. I do recommend people who are fans of sweet flavored gum to try it out.