Strawberry Mochi Icecream from Alice Corporation

            Good evening everyone!Well, tonight I'm going to do a review on a Japanese sweet; mochi
       ice cream, from the company Alice Corporation. I was in Manhattan with some friends
       at night, near NYU, and the shop we were going to was closed, so we stopped by an
      Asian shop to get some snacks. I ended up buying the strawberry mochi ice cream package.
      Now I had different mochi ice cream treats before, some from other restaurants, others were
      from other brands, so I have a decent idea on how they taste. Now, this brand wasn't bad by
     any means, and it might have to do with the fact it was a little melted when I ate it, but it had
     a slightly thick powdered coating on it, and had a strange aftertaste. The ice cream tasted good
     though! And the mochi itself wasn't bad; it was sweet, but due to it melting quickly got very
     sticky and then I wasn't sure if the aftertaste was natural or not. I might try it again, but I'd say
     try several brands of mochi, not just one, as you might like one over another.