Genghis Grill Mongolian Stir-Fry in Little Rock, Arkansas.

               A few weeks ago, I went with out with my friend, and we were both hungry. However,
     feeling rather bored at going to the same food places every time, we decided to try Genghis Grill
     in Chenal. This was a very... how should I say this? It's a very misleading name for a restaurant,
     as we presumed it was actual Mongolian food, when in fact it was a general Asian stir-fry place.
     (Which was still very cool! But misleading. :p) So as it was my first time at such a place, I had
     a waitress explain everything. They give you the drinks at the table, and you go through a long
     line, like a cafeteria line, picking different meats, spices, and sauces, where a bunch of guys
     will cook it on a large grill. You have the option of putting whatever meats and sauces you want,
    (which is what I did;I was a little shocked it came out good after I realized they had recipe cards,
      lol.) The other option being you get a recipe card at the beginning and follow it. I don't remember
     everything I put, but I do remember it had chicken meat, crab meat, a little garlic, and teriyaki
     sauce, onions, shrimp, and an egg. (Actually I think that was everything; I think I threw in some
     beef too.) I had a stomachache afterwards, (which I blame on myself  for being greedy and
     throwing in a lot of teriyaki sauce), but I was overall very pleased with my trip here, and I do
     plan on coming back sometime! Oh, prices are pretty affordable too; you pay a one time
     price; they don't charge for every ingredient you put.