Little Rock, Arkansas : Red Mango

               Today, I'm in a good mood, so I want to try doing another one or two blog posts. XD A few days ago, I went to a popular frozen yogurt chain with a friend, known as Red Mango. Red Mango is fairly small compared to other frozen yogurt/ice cream chains, but they specialize in healthy frozen  yogurt, keeping a minimum of flavors that are sweet, but not too high in calories. This was my second time going here, and I haven't tried anything distasteful.
               When you go inside, the first thing you will notice is that the primary color of the place is red. The walls, and most of the decor and furniture are red, with a few others being white. The frozen yogurt is usually limited to five or six flavors, and they rotate with new flavors every once in a while. Like many frozen yogurt/ice cream shops, they have a whole list of condiments you can add, ranging from mochi, fruit, and honey, among other things. I don't remember the flavors I had on my first trip, but on this one, I got the Original flavor, (it's tart and slightly sweet), with Vanilla Cookie Cream, (which is sweet but is not so thick that you can only take a few bites), with mochi and mango. It was heavenly haha.~ At the very least, you can expect me to go there again.~

                               The first trip. I had the original with mochi and something else.