Little Rock, Arkansas - Cracker Barrel Old Country Store and Restaurant

                  Good day everyone! I'm in a happy mood, so I want to talk about one of my favorite food and shop places!  Next to Panera, one of my favorite hang out spots is Cracker Barrel .      
                   Cracker Barrel is a chain shop and restaurant, all in one, with the shop and eatery separated in two sections of the building. The shop is a giant gift shop, with vintage looking items, and seasonal items showered everywhere, and the restaurant is designed like an old country house, with the interior designed with wood and bricks, a huge chimney on the side, and hundreds of hundreds of antiques splattered everywhere. Each table has an oil lamp next to it, which is off during the daytime, and little table games while you wait for the food. What I like about this place though, is that wherever you sit, you will always have new scenery to look at, since there are various kinds of decor.~ Sometimes you'll see an antique photograph, sometimes a pin-up poster, other times an old bicycle or calendar hanging around the wall. I never get bored from the scenery while I'm there, and the wait usually isn't long to begin with. (It's usually some 10-15 minutes.)

                    What I also like about this place is that they have three different menu's, one for breakfast,lunch,and dinner, and you can request anyone, at anytime, during the day. On the day the photos were taken, I had breakfast around noon time, and had scrambled egg, a blueberry muffin, a parfait and two sausages. (All of it is good; their breakfasts are awesome!) The photos were taken around December, so there was alot of Christmas decor at the store section. Also, when you finish eating, you carry your payment to the register and pay yourself, in the store side of the building. Go visit if there is one near you!~