Cook's Landing Park : North Little Rock

               Hey everyone! Today I'm going to talk about a trail my friend and I like to walk on in fine
 days. Located right next to The Big Dam Bridge, Cook's Landing has two trails that are basically huge loops that goes back near the bridge. I'm not sure on exact miles, but I think the loops span about 1-2 miles. The trails interconnect with a few paths inside the park giving you options on which route you'd like to walk. Horses are allowed here,( though I've never seen one!), and they post signs saying where they're allowed to go. (Horses can't go on the bridge, but I'll talk about that another time.~) There is one off course route you can go on, which is past a small wooden bridge in the back of the trails, which lead you to a seemingly straight paved road. Me and a group of friends tried walking it for a while, and unless you go to one of the paths offered on the right, that leads back to the park trails, it doesn't seem to connect back to the park.
              When you get out of one trail, (or enter it, depending which way your going), you'll see a rusted old Chevy on the side. The trails itself are easy to follow;it's not paved, but it's so flat, it's hard not to notice. When I first went to this park, my initial reaction was that it would be perfect for Halloween; even in the spring or summer, greenery does not grow on the bottom, discluding the grass, and there are strange vines creeping around the trees and the ground. They're are also large patches of bamboo, ( or what looks like bamboo), here and there, and blends with the surrounding environment unusually well. Well I'm used to it now,ha ha, since I walked on both trails many times.~ Here is some photos to give you an idea. ( Oh, one of the photos has what I think is a helicopter pad; you see it as you walk down from the bridge, and before you enter the trails.) The last photo is the paved trail in the back of the trails; the other photos are the paved trail that leads in and out of the trails near the bridge.