Little Rock, Arkansas : Flying Fish

          So, I went to this place a few weeks ago, but I delayed writing about it, mostly due to the fact I got ill the next day. :p (Not from the food; I had the flu.) I go to downtown Little Rock a lot, particularly in the summertime, and always pass this restaurant when I walk around the River Market, but didn't get the opportunity to visit until my brother decided to go there on a random day a few weeks back.

         The downtown portion of Little Rock is the tourist/ high commercial area, so when I first went there I assumed all the restaurants had expensive food. Although that's the case for some of the places, they have affordable venues if you know where to look. And this little place, The Flying Fish , happened to be one such place. The average price for a menu item range from $6 to $12, depending on what you're getting, with all of the menu being seafood items.

            When you go to the place, especially on a nice day, they will open all their front windows, so you can see nearly all the interior of the place from the outside. And one thing they seem very proud of is their huge collection of fake trophy fish on the walls, and the names written on, or around them. And when I mean huge, I mean huge. When you go to almost any side of one of the dining areas, you will see some sort of fish hanging around. For ordering food, you order at the counter, that has the menu in a huge whiteboard hanging overhead,( or you can look at a smaller paper menu which they have right next to you.)

               That day, I had a small order of the Catfish fillet, since I had Catfish before, and liked it. I also had an order of the Seafood Gumbo, since I heard good things about Gumbo in general, but never really tried one. I would also like to mention that I tried a sweet tea brand I didn't have before, called Gold Peak Tea, which I'm surprised why more places don't supply it, because I fell in love with it.( I think it would be a best seller if it was advertised more!) The gumbo was salty, but had just the right amount of flavor, and I recommend it. The fillet was okay; it tasted more like Salmon than Catfish, and wasn't bad... just a little heavy, and different than what I expected. They also served Calamari and fries as a side item, but that tasted more like bread than anything else. The fries weren't bad; they had a seasoned flavor to them that I liked.

              My verdict for the place? For my first visit, it wasn't bad, and I would like to go again. But next time, I think I'll try something a little different than the fillet. :p


                                                             Across the street.