A New Snack : Ruffles Chili and Cheese

                 Good evening folks! Well if you lived in the United States a long time, you'll know one of the big brands of potato chips, FritoLay, has been around the store shelves for ages. In their line of Ruffle chips, it seems they have gotten more experimental with their flavors lately, and released  Chili and Cheese recently. I gave it a try and my verdict on it is mixed. It tastes good, but it tastes... well... like Barbeque more than Chili. Barbeque flavored chips mixed with Chedder cheese flavor chips,with a slight tangy taste to it. It does not taste bad though; if you like Cheese or Barbeque chips, I think you will like this combination, regardless of how it tastes to you. What unusual flavored chips have you seen?