Strawberry Mochi Icecream from Alice Corporation

            Good evening everyone!Well, tonight I'm going to do a review on a Japanese sweet; mochi
       ice cream, from the company Alice Corporation. I was in Manhattan with some friends
       at night, near NYU, and the shop we were going to was closed, so we stopped by an
      Asian shop to get some snacks. I ended up buying the strawberry mochi ice cream package.
      Now I had different mochi ice cream treats before, some from other restaurants, others were
      from other brands, so I have a decent idea on how they taste. Now, this brand wasn't bad by
     any means, and it might have to do with the fact it was a little melted when I ate it, but it had
     a slightly thick powdered coating on it, and had a strange aftertaste. The ice cream tasted good
     though! And the mochi itself wasn't bad; it was sweet, but due to it melting quickly got very
     sticky and then I wasn't sure if the aftertaste was natural or not. I might try it again, but I'd say
     try several brands of mochi, not just one, as you might like one over another.


Wall Street, St. Paul's and The World Trade Memorial

      In late July, I went with my family to downtown Manhattan and visited a little of  St.Paul's  Chapel, and went to the 911 Memorial. I kept missing this in prior visits but was glad I was able
 to go. Admission is free, but you have to go through an extensive security check like the airport.


Macaron Adventures- Going to Financier in NYC

            So, since my last visit to New York City, ever since my first taste of a macaron, I decided
     this summer, I would try as many different shops as possible to taste their own versions of
     macarons. Looking online, I found a lot of people recommended trying the Financier, a pastry
     and coffee shop. (The name "Financier" was because the first shop opened near Wall Street.)
     I don't remember the exact branch I went to, but it was near mid-town, around the Empire State
     Building. Now, my verdict is, they are totally worth it! The Macaron Cafe' had quality macarons
     that were very good too; but the price to size ratio was a little too much I thought. The Financier
     basically sold bigger macarons than the Macaron Cafe', but at the same price the Macaron Cafe'
     sold their smaller sized ones. The texture of both macarons were the same; it had an almost candy-
     like texture that after a small crunch would soften right up. The only difference I noticed was the
      cream, (or ganache.) The Macaron Cafe' had a sweet but light cream, and the Financier used a
     thicker one with a richer texture. If you like your macarons a little lighter then I'd say try the ones
     at the Macaron Cafe', but if you're like me and like both softer and richer creams in your dessert,
      I'd say give the Financier ones a try!



Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins in Bay Ridge, New York.

              In the north, more so than the southern United States , Baskin Robbins and Dunkin Donuts
       are usually merged into one shop, because it's owned by the same corporation. In Bay Ridge,
       Brooklyn, the Baskin Robbins/Dunkin Donuts is usually open a little after midnight, and I'm
       going to post how one of the merged shops look up there: