Coney Island in Brooklyn Pt.1

               For my second post of the evening, I'm going to be posting photos of my trip to Coney
        Island, on July 4. Although in the summer, Coney Island has free fireworks each Friday,
        they had a small fireworks display in July 4th, that only lasted a minute or so, unfortunately.
        However, that didn't stop our group from enjoying the place despite the disappointment.
        We went to the beach and got snacks at a boardwalk shop, which I will save for the second
       post. Although I went to the new Luna Park and Astroland theme park in prior years, I did not
       go on this day, so I won't be putting these posts in the amusement park section.
                  In the meantime, what can I say about Coney Island? I studied its history for many
        years, and although in the past it looked a lot worse than it does now, it always held a
        rather special place in my heart. Growing up in a small middle class family in New York,
        my father, when I was very young, didn't have enough money for something like Six Flags,
       or Disney World. My first theme park I remember going to was Coney Island, even when it
        was in shambles. So I always remembered it in a rather fond way, and was pleased when
        I heard the city was finally going to renovate it.
                I could go on and on about Coney Island, but I won't do that in this post, lol. For more
         information on Coney Island and its events, you can check this site, and this one. The giant
        lighted building is the train station.