Toys "R" Us at Times Square

               On the same day I went around Times Square, I also went to Toys "R" Us in Times
             Square. Although I didn't buy anything, they do allow you to take photos of just about
             any place in the store. The store is 3 stories, and has a ferris wheel that's big enough
             for children and adults, but the line was long, so we didn't go on it either. The place
             has many things you would find at a regular sized Toys "R" Us, and many things
             that I doubt you'd find in another shop. The place has toys of many different price
             ranges, so if you're looking to buy something at the store, you can easily find an item
             less than $20. Some of the photos below will show 3-4 ft. Lego sculptors, and an
             electronic T-Rex, that growls at you. XD