Abu Walad Sandwich Biscuits

        Hello, there! Right now, as I write this, in the middle of July, the summer has been going swell,
     and I can actually say I've been having a productive summer. ^^ So, in that grocery, Damascus,
     I bought a few snacks, one of them being Abu Walad Sandwich Biscuits. The cookies are from
     Yemen, made by YCIC, (The Yemen Company for Industry and Commerce.) These are hard
     cookies, which really do seem to be the best with coffee or tea. The cream was not a huge
     amount, which isn't bad for those looking for light sandwich cookies. The cookie is not very
     flaky, but it is crunchy! Too much of it can leave your mouth a little dry, but other than that,
     I enjoyed devouring the small box in a matter of minutes. ~