Yogu Time Drink

   Many Asian shops will sell many fruit flavored drinks, and one I always eyed was a drink called Yogu Time. Unfortunately, I could not find any website for them, and the closest I got was learning a company called rgr.inc might have something to do with the brand. (If anyone can find a website, let me know!)  Despite being called a "Yogurt Drink",it doesn't taste like yogurt at all; it tastes like a watery juice drink.
  (It's not thick or has any milk taste to it either, but it might have yogurt cultures.) I think the best
example I could give the drink was that it vaguely reminded me of Calpico, in consistency,
but maybe a little lighter.It's a great drink for sweet lovers, and I did enjoy it, but for all you
 yogurt fans out there, it's not really a yogurt drink; even if it has yogurt it tastes like candied juice!