Abu Walad Sandwich Biscuits

        Hello, there! Right now, as I write this, in the middle of July, the summer has been going swell,
     and I can actually say I've been having a productive summer. ^^ So, in that grocery, Damascus,
     I bought a few snacks, one of them being Abu Walad Sandwich Biscuits. The cookies are from
     Yemen, made by YCIC, (The Yemen Company for Industry and Commerce.) These are hard
     cookies, which really do seem to be the best with coffee or tea. The cream was not a huge
     amount, which isn't bad for those looking for light sandwich cookies. The cookie is not very
     flaky, but it is crunchy! Too much of it can leave your mouth a little dry, but other than that,
     I enjoyed devouring the small box in a matter of minutes. ~




Mediterranean Sweets : Ulker Icim Visne Sour Cherry Juice

            Hey everyone! Today is a short post on a Turkish drink I bought recently, Icim Visne
     Sour Cherry juice, by the brand Ulker. Like what you might suspect, the drink is good for
     people who want to drink something tart, that's only mildly sweet. It's a light drink, but if
     you like sour candy or sour/sweet foods, I recommend giving this a try. C: One last thing,
     I bought this at an Arab store called Damascus, in downtown Brooklyn, but if you can't find 
     a store nearby, you can probably find it online in some shops. (I did a quick Google search,
    and the Damascus I'm talking about is a grocery store, not a bakery. Didn't want any confusion!)


Ripley's Believe It or Not Pt.2

                In continuation of this post, I'm going to be putting the rest of the photos here. I just want
                 to note, that this wasn't everything in the museum, just what interested me. I also will
                 write a small review for the gift shop, but will leave that for a later post. (:


Ripley's Believe It or Not in Times Square

            Hey everyone! So how many of you've heard of Ripley's Believe It or Not ? For those
        who don't know, Ripley's is an organization inspired by the life of Robert Le Roy Ripley,
        a man who made a living finding strange and unusual things. One thing to note, is that
        unlike some freak shows/ oddity museums, the people at Ripley go and research their
        claims to their findings. In any case, the Ripley places are oddity museums, and the one
        in Manhattan was one of the best ones I've been to! (They allow photos; just no flash!)
        If you haven't been to a Ripley's museum, what are you waiting for? Go see it!