A New Idea for Interviews

                 Hi, everyone! Do you remember this post ? I'm still going to do this of course, and
       will probably have new interviews up during the summer, but what I wanted to talk about here
      was my idea on specific creator pages. I have, like any person, preferences for some author or
       director works over others, and also, like any good fan, like to dig around for interviews.
               In the post I linked to, I  mentioned I'll rewrite interviews from the old magazines I own,
      but what I'm talking about here, is more of a universal idea for not only anime and manga,
      but on actors or book authors I really like. I thought, what I can do is, say I do a small biography
      page on a author I like;then I'll link to various sites that had interviews on that person,
      and put them on one page. Sometimes, contact pages are not available on all sites, but I won't
      rewrite another's interview here, (minus my magazines), just offer a link so you can read the
      interviews yourself. So, it's a big project, and I might need some help on it in the future, but for
      now, I'm going to keep it simple, and try doing a page after this post.