Arts n' Crafts - What is Deco and Some Creations
Hey folks, today I'm going to talk about Deco! Deco, most popularly known as
Sweets Deco, is a craft that became popular in Japan a few years back, and gained
popularity overseas. The word Deco is the abbreviated form of Decorate, and usually
consists of using fake cream, ( made out of polymer clay or similar materials), with people
adding gems, small toys, and little cabochons or other little kitschy items. Items decorated are
usually things like mirrors, jewelry, key chains, or even laptops, and bikes. XD
You might see some people use the term Decoden interchangeably with Sweets Deco,but Decoden comes from the Japanese word for cell phone, (the den part), and a literal definition is decorations for the (cell) phone. Sometimes people would also call Sweets Deco ," Decotti", but Decotti is a specific Sweets Deco toy sold in Japan, (the company producing it like to aim it for older females, so it has a rating for 15 and older on the boxes.) Another popular Sweets Deco toy is called Whipple, which you can find in Toys R Us' or other toy stores if you're in the United States, and was actually a Deco Toy from Japan which was licensed for the U.S. ^^ Below are some little projects I made with leftover clay from some Whipple sets I bought, and I used Mod Podge over it as a sealer. ( The clay used in Whipple sets are strong, but it's not waterproof, and can dirty easily if left in a dusty area.) For some more information, check out the links below~ Also many deco kits are sold in places like Ebay, Etsy, or sometimes Amazon, among other sites. It's rather easy to get. The items I Decoed are a compact mirror, and a hole puncher. XD
Decoden Official Site (It's in Japanese; you need Google Translate.)
Original Japanese Whipple Site (The company making it is Epoch.)
Whipple Site The English version.
International Playthings - Official North American Licensee for Whipple.
Toys R Us - Site is for the United States version.
A Japanese blog talking about Decotti - Tokyo Kawaii Etc. is run by a Japanese
lady known as Kirin, and her blog is written in English for foreign readers.
My pinterest board on Deco - Blatant self- advertising here. XD It's a picture
blog of photos of Deco stuff I found around the net.