Some Artwork I Made Pt. 4 ~

      In continuation of a long line of art I made, (the list can be seen in the Arts n' Crafts
      page), I'm posting some new artwork I made for my cousin and aunt. They're both
      going in this post, and I used the same materials for them as in past projects: canvas,
      gesso,acrylics, and Mod Podge for a sealer. (I'd like to point out that Mod Podge will
      leave the paint a little sticky after it dries, but I was too scared to use the acrylic sealer
      I bought as it contained a lot of harmful chemicals. I think it will be fine if you want to
      use Mod Podge as a sealer/protecting layer, as long as you cover the painting with a
      frame, which is what I did.)