Disney Store in Times Square, New York

            Happy Labor Day, everyone! Today is going to be a fairly quick and easy post; I'm posting
     photos I took at the Disney Store in Manhattan; the same day me and mom went to see the
     Lion King on Broadway.~ (I have photos of that too~! Just not inside the auditorium; it wasn't
     allowed.) Now, you might probably wonder why this post is only in the Historical Landmarks/
     Tourist page and not in the Shops page, and the reason is that the Shops page is reviews of
     purchases from physical or online shops, and how good/bad the quality was, etc. As I didn't
     buy anything from the store, it's going to only be in the Travelling Page, like Toys R' Us.
     The store is a three story building, with each floor looking spectacular. Oh, I mentioned not
     buying anything, but I did look at prices; they do have some affordable items, if price was
     keeping you away; you can find items around $12 or so.~