Andina's Cafe & Coffee Roastery in Little Rock

           After hearing about Andina for a long while, I decided to stop by with a friend some
      two months back. (Their official page can be seen here, and their Facebook page can be seen
      here. ) I remember ordering a Turkey Sandwich, and the only one that's turkey seems,
      to be the sandwich called "Third Avenue", so that's what I probably got. The list in the
      cafe' mentioned they will put any dressing in the sandwich for you, which I forgot to ask,
      which resulted in a good sandwich, albeit a little dry. The place seems mostly a good
      place for coffee or Italian sodas, (which is what I got~), and for sitting around and talking.
      When we went, some cops were there, lounging around and such. The cafe' is fairly small,
      but there is room to move around in. If you decide to get a sandwich from here, make sure
      to ask for the dressing, and I haven't tried their coffees, but they make pretty good Italian
      sodas! (I had Irish Cream.)The shopkeepers don't seem to mind if you stay around
      for a while, but I presume they would if it was crowded. (When we went it was just us
      and the cops.)



Some Artwork I Made Pt. 4 ~

      In continuation of a long line of art I made, (the list can be seen in the Arts n' Crafts
      page), I'm posting some new artwork I made for my cousin and aunt. They're both
      going in this post, and I used the same materials for them as in past projects: canvas,
      gesso,acrylics, and Mod Podge for a sealer. (I'd like to point out that Mod Podge will
      leave the paint a little sticky after it dries, but I was too scared to use the acrylic sealer
      I bought as it contained a lot of harmful chemicals. I think it will be fine if you want to
      use Mod Podge as a sealer/protecting layer, as long as you cover the painting with a
      frame, which is what I did.)



Seeing the Lion King At Broadway in the Minskoff Theatre

                So, after much procrastination, I'm going to finally talk about my trip to see the
         Lion King on Broadway.~ I went with my mother, and it was our first trip to a
         Broadway Show, so I learned a lot of things I'd like to share. There are a few theatres
         in Broadway, set only a block or two apart, each hosting their own show. Scattered
         about are smaller theatres you will see from street level, that will host "off- Broadway"
         shows; some akin to vaudeville acts. Dressing up is not necessary, but it would be
         good to look like you didn't just wake up from bed. You can bring a camera in, but
         don't try to be sneaky and take a photo of the play; they have tight security eyeing
         everyone. I don't know about the other theatres, but at the Lion King, snacks were
         allowed; no issue was made if you brought your own or bought it at the concession
         stand. (Concessions and the gift shop opened at intermission.)

                 I think going to a Broadway show, even once in your life, is a good experience
        for someone to have. The special effects and storytelling is done in a completely
        different way than a movie or television show. I originally wanted to see the Phantom
        of the Opera, but as it was my mother's birthday gift, I let her choose the play, and I
        don't regret agreeing to it at all! (Though I still want to see the Phantom in the future.~)
        The theatre was three levels with a giant escalator, (they had an elevator in the back), and
        most of the costumes were photos taken at the second level; the top was the theatre, first
        floor had the box office.
                 I'm not going to spoil it, but although the overarching play was the same story as
        the animation, it had different scenes, and some plot changes that I though were interesting.
       (An example, Rafiki is female in the play.) The music and effects were spectacular, and I
        loved the new songs made just for the play, as well as the old favorites sung from the
        animation. The costumes were gorgeous as well, they were very good symbolic
        representations of the characters, and sometimes, for comic relief, the characters will talk
        to the human that was playing them in a breaking the fourth wall moment. (Namely,
        Zazu's character does this a lot.~) All in all, it was a lovely play, and I hope the photos
        below will inspire you to watch a good play in your lifetime, even if it wasn't a Broadway