Review on Whipple Set

          Good morning, everyone! Well, in my last post here, I gave a small breakdown on fake sweets/
          deco, and decoden. One of the items I mentioned, Whipple, is sold in the United States at
          Toys R Us, or other toy stores. (The original Japanese page is here, and the English page is
          here. ) Now Whipple sets come with some fake plastic type sweets, and the cream, along with
          some beads/gems for decoration. The fake cream is some sort of paper clay cream, from what
          I understand. Due to this, it dries sturdy and strong, but is not waterproof. (When I found that
          out, I added Mod Podge to the finished products, and it works like a charm. Now I don't have
          to worry about the humidity,or if an item accidentally gets wet. XD) The clay dries quickly, but
          takes about two days to fully dry. I'm not going to post tips for doing the cream designs, since
         you can find alot of tutorials on YouTube, and if you purchase a package, they give some basic
          instructions on doing them. Whipple products are fun and easy to do; and it's an affordable
          alternative if you don't want to buy Decotti, or pre-made deco items. As I said, since it's not
          waterproof, you might want to purchase some sealer or glaze to apply to the cream after it
          dries. One more thing to note; if you have a lot of left over cream, even if you store it away
         and cover it well, most of it will dry up if you don't use it, so try to use the extra cream as
         quickly as possible if you want to make different crafts. ^^ The set below is the chocolate
         set; it came with a heart, teddy bear, pink cup, and other little items that are all shown in the
         cover. Below these photos are some deco items I made from a previous Whipple set, but as
         I threw the box a long time ago, I couldn't do a full review on the first set. :p Hopefully this
          will inspire you to try it out, or make your own Sweets Deco!