How about some old interviews? (Anime and Manga Related)

                Hey everyone! How have you been? I got a spur of the moment idea that I wanted to share.
   So, if you're like me and got into Japanese anime and manga (comics) around the mid 90's, you long timers might be aware of what I'm going to be talking about. When anime/manga got popular overseas, it had a tinier fanbase than it does now. More often than not, their was no actual official place to read interviews or watch episodes; most of it came from fansites, or fan "shrines", little websites dedicated to a single series or character. Over time, (you might find some here and there now), most of these sites were no longer updated, or the site owner decided to shut it down.
              For a while, around the late 90's and early to mid 2000's, alot of merchandise and series were released overseas, and the anime/manga fandom had a small popularity boom. Magazines in America, like Newtype U.S.A, or Anime Insider helped fans get closer to their hobbies; they had sites in their magazines on where to purchase Japanese goods, listed release dates for series, and most importantly,(to me at least), had interviews.
                 Interviews that, unless someone bothered to post, will forever be in obscurity, because as the recession hit around the mid 2000's, most of the anime companies purchasing series for the American market fell under, as did many magazines. So, as I have a few of these magazines, and they're out of print now, I thought what I could do in my free time is post some of the interviews from the issues I have. These were magazines released in the U.S.A for the North American market, but if you want to try to find them, I suggest you look in a library if you're in the U.S, or try e-bay or other places that sell second hand magazines. I might try to purchase some more magazines in my spare time, but please remember I'm doing this for fun, and might not have the cash or the time to purchase any more magazines other than what I post for now.