Anime Insider Interview- Puffy AmiYumi

   Hey everyone! If you read the last post here, you know I'm going through some of my now defunct anime/manga magazines to post interviews from. The magazines also focused on other forms of Japanese pop culture; sometimes on alternative fashions, or music. So the first interview I'm re- posting is a small one; and isn't anime related, it's J-Pop (Japanese Pop), related. This interview will be covering the group Puffy AmiYumi,( known as Puffy in Japan). For those who think they sound familiar, this duo were the ones who sang the opening theme of the American animation, Teen Titans, and later a short running animated series that was inspired from them ran on Cartoon Network.The interview covers their opinion on the series based off them, and on America.
(Remember, I take no claim in creating these interviews; I'm just reposting them from my old magazines!)

                                                               Official Website
             Magazine: Anime Insider July, 2005, Issue #22
           Interview on pg.82 by Robert Bricken and Summer Mullins

(Sometimes there just aren't enough hours in the day. But Puffy Ami Yumi, Japan's most
 energetic duo, still find time to record a hit show for Cartoon Network- which is now
airing in Japan-release a new album, and go on a nationwide tour!
      Fresh off their recent West Coast tour and primed to launch into their East Coast dates
this August,( check for places and dates) but Ami and Yumi took a
breather to talk to Anime Insider about Hi Hi, hopping around America, and (un)healthy foods.)

                How have you both been?
Ami & Yumi -  We've been doing great!
                How has making Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi been?
Ami- The live-action parts have been shot in Tokyo and it's been alot of fun!
Yumi- Cartoon Network always respects our opinions and has incorporated many
            them into the show so we feel like we're part of the creating process.
              What do you think your Japanese fans will think of Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi?
 Ami- It's a big surprise that the show will air in Japan. I thought it would broadcast only
           in America.
 Yumi- I hope Japanese kids will like the show as much as American kids!

             What's the funniest episode of Hi Hi you've seen?
 Ami- The one in which I go crazy collecting prizes in cereal boxes.
 Yumi- The episode in which Ami works at a circus to buy me a birthday gift.

             Do you have a real Puffy tour bus?
 Ami- No, we don't. It would be cool if we did!
             Yumi, is Ami as nice as she's portrayed in Hi Hi?
Yumi- Yes, she is! And we're a bit more complicated than the cartoon characters. [Laughs]

              Ami, is Yumi as dark as she's portrayed in Hi Hi?
Ami- Not really. It's a cartoon so they took our real personalities and emphasized them. I
          like the cartoon Yumi, though. She's pretty cool!

            Are you excited about your upcoming American tours?
Ami & Yumi- Yes, both of us and our band are very excited about the tour!

           You've done several tours in America already.What's your favorite place to visit
                                      in America?
Ami- We go to L.A., New York, and San Francisco a lot. The more I go to those places
            and get to know more about them, the more I like them.
Yumi- L.A. is my favorite place.

            What's your favorite food to eat in America?
Yumi- Chili dogs from Carnies.

            Yumi, how is your english doing?
Yumi- I stayed in L.A. for a few months to study english about two years ago but
             I don't have many chances to use my English back in Tokyo so I've forgotten
             most of what I learned! Every time I go to the U.S., many people come talk to me
             so I hope to be able to talk with them without an interpreter.

            Do you ever get sick of singing the Teen Titans theme song?
Ami- No! I always enjoy singing the song.
Yumi- Not at all!

              When can your American fans look forward to your next album?
Yumi- We're recording a new album in Japan now. We're trying to bring it to our
            American fans as soon as possible. Please look forward to it!