A Quick Post on Cross Stitching

            Hey everyone! I've been a bit stressed from school lately, and I think a blog post is in order! So how many of you like to cross stitch or do other forms of embroidery? I taught myself sometime back in grade school, and do it every so often now~ Cross stitching is probably the easiest form of embroidery you can do, but it is time consuming, and you have to have a good eye; one wrong stitch might result in taking out multiple stitches!

           Now, there are many different companies that sell embroidery items, and I bought a few from this Chinese company here, which I recommend; KS+ Art Hobby . I'm not sure on where you can purchase their items online, but I found their items in New York, in the Brooklyn Chinatown area. It was around 7th avenue, I think, in a small mall, with the shop located all the way in the back. They only stock this brand, and the unique thing I noticed was that all the items seemed to be cross stitching only.

                Over time, I will be showing some of my completed works on cross stitching, and other forms of embroidery as well. I will also talk about other companies that deal with this sort of thing; I think it's nice for people to try something new, since it's not something many people do anymore~
Well, that's all for now, have a good night!