North Little Rock, Arkansas - The Old Mill

                So how many of you visit any historical places? One day, a few months back, me, my friend, and my brother were bored, so we took a road trip to the see the Old Mill. For those who were wondering why an old mill is so popular, it actually became a prop that was used for the film, "Gone With the Wind." The Mill has a small park built around it, and is in the Lakewood area, around where McCain Mall is at. The park's name is officially called T.R Pugh Memorial Park.

             The Mill has a bit of a history; the developer of North Little Rock, in the early 1930's, wanted an old looking mill to decorate the neighborhood. A German immigrant, called Frank Carmean, did the basics of the Mill, and found a Senòr Dionico Rodriguez, in searching for new styles for the architecture. Since they were instructed to make the Mill old looking and rustic, Rodriguez had to make all the bridges and the area in and out of the Mill appear natural and worn down. He had a special technique that made regular concrete look like wood, iron,and stone! But unfortunately, no one ever discovered his secret for doing so; it was said he would mix his ingredients in his car trunk, and if someone came near, he'd slam it shut.

                 Today the Mill and the park around it is open everyday, and is a place that can be used for picnics, photos, or weddings. Go check it out if you're in that part of town!

Going inside.

The second story.

The fake wood stairs.XD

Taken from a bridge.

Also taken from a bridge.

One of the paths around the Mill.

A closeup of some of the flowers.

Overall, it's a pleasant and quiet little place, and it's a great area to relax in!
These are the sources I got some of the historical info from:
                                                                      Arkansas State Website