Little Rock, Arkansas - Larry's Pizza

                Me and my brother decided to go to Larry's Pizza for the first time a few weeks back.   Larry's is a pizza chain only in Arkansas state,(currently), and started in 1992 in Little Rock. The one we visited was in Cantrell Road, and as it was our first time, I'm not sure if they have the same policy in all the restaurants or not.
                The place was very spacious, and unique. The restaurant looked like a studio room with studio lights and beams all over the ceiling, and the restaurant did not look like a traditional pizza parlor either. The whole eat-in menu is one payment,(per person), for the buffet, and you can eat as much as you want with what they have available outside. In the corner they have a mini-arcade with some games and prizes, but we didn't really bother with it that day.

               Now for the downside. When we went that day, it was around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. Which after talking to the waitress/cashier girl, was apparently a bad time to be at the restaurant. The pizzeria had an open buffet around 11 to 2 PM and around 5- 9 PM. So essentially, when you go in at the time we did,you're going to be stuck with the leftovers of the buffet food, until they can get the new batches out for the second open buffet. Now I'm not implying their food was cold and stale, because it wasn't. But you can usually taste a fresh pizza compared to a warm pizza that's been out for about 20 minutes. But on the plus side, because it's leftovers, you get a discount off your payment. :p

            Something I noticed was that they had alot of dessert pizzas; even their own chocolate pizza! (Though it tasted a tad too salty for my liking; I liked the one from Max Brenner better.)
When we went it was quite deserted, which I'm assuming is because the official buffet was over.
The waitress gives your drink at the counter but you can get refills after you sat down.

              The buffet also had a salad bar, but I was more interested in the pizza to look at it.XD
How did the pizza taste? It was warm, but not too bad. The buffet has open ovens, so even if the food has been out for a while, it won't go stale. I couldn't eat much that day, but I had some slices with chicken meat, and alfredo slices as well, which I both think is worth a try. (But for dessert, unless you're a fan of salty chocolate; I don't recommend it.)

                                               You can see the studio lights in this photo.
                                  The photo is a bit blurry, but that small room is the arcade.

The chocolate pizza and alfredo cheese pizza. I later ate some meat slices when my brother gave me his. :p

        Something I thought was pretty unique was the tables. Those letterings are advertisements from local buisnesses that ask the pizzeria to put them on the tables. XD

                 Maybe on another day I'll update the page with a better review. For now, though, take my advice and don't go there around 3 or 4 PM! (In the Cantrell one at least...)

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